Heard of e-commerce? All Sales platform allows shopping for different merchandise or different variations for the public. The store has Mpesa Integration to allow ease of making payments.
All Sales Limited
Web, Android
Heard of e-commerce? All Sales platform allows shopping for different merchandise or different variations for the public. The store has Mpesa Integration to allow ease of making payments.
All Sales Limited
Web, Android
Email us with any questions or inquiries. We would be happy to answer your questions and set up a meeting with you. Muva Technologies can help set you apart from the flock.
Email: info[at]muva[dot]tech
Skype: muvatech
Facebook: @muvatech
Twitter: @muvatech
Heard of e-commerce? All Sales platform allows shopping for different merchandise or different variations for the public. The store has Mpesa Integration to allow ease of making payments.
All Sales Limited
Web, Android
Heard of e-commerce? All Sales platform allows shopping for different merchandise or different variations for the public. The store has Mpesa Integration to allow ease of making payments.
All Sales Limited
Web, Android
Email us with any questions or inquiries. We would be happy to answer your questions and set up a meeting with you. Muva Technologies can help set you apart from the flock.
Email: info[at]muva[dot]tech
Skype: muvatech
Facebook: @muvatech
Twitter: @muvatech